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Morpheus8 in Boston & Newburyport, MA

Patients who are familiar with microneedling will be excited to hear about Morpheus8, an improved microneedling treatment that offers even greater skin rejuvenation benefits. At Suite Six Medical Aesthetics, we are excited to offer this skin resurfacing solution to the residents of Newburyport, Boston and Salem, MA.

What is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is a microneedling treatment that combines traditional microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) energy. Traditional microneedling creates tiny wounds in the skin’s surface, triggering a healing response from the body that creates collagen and rejuvenates the skin. With Morpheus8, RF energy is delivered to the skin tissue as these tiny wounds are created. This further enhances collagen production in the skin while also gently heating the tissue for skin tightening benefits. As a result, Morpheus8 treatments can produce greater results than traditional microneedling, often requiring fewer treatment sessions along the way.

How Much Does Morpheus8 Cost in Boston & Newburyport, MA?

The cost of your Morpheus8 treatment at Suite Six Medical Aesthetics can vary depending on the extent of treatment necessary to deliver your desired results. During your initial consultation, we will assess your treatment goals in order to develop an individualized treatment plan. Once we determine the treatment approach that is best for you, we will be able to provide you with the exact cost of your treatment. We accept traditional payment methods and offer financing through CareCredit® for your convenience.

What are the Benefits of Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is quickly becoming preferred over traditional microneedling because it offers so many additional benefits. Benefits of Morpheus8 treatment include:

  • Deep tissue penetration for greater results over microneedling
  • Use of RF energy for greater skin tightening and collagen production
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Reduced signs of aging
  • Reduction in stretch marks, dark spots and pore size
  • Little to no downtime

What is the Morpheus8 Treatment Like?

In most cases, Morpheus8 treatment begins with the application of a topical anesthetic to the treatment area. This numbs the skin to minimize any discomfort from the microneedling process. Then, the Morpheus8 device is maneuvered around the skin’s surface, creating micro-injuries in the skin and simultaneously delivering RF energy. It typically takes about one hour to perform the Morpheus8 treatment, although the exact duration of treatment will vary depending on the size of the treatment area.

Is There Any Downtime After Morpheus8 Treatments?

There is no downtime following Morpheus8 treatments. You may experience some redness or swelling in the treatment area, which can last for a few days after treatment. Despite these minor side effects, you will be able to return to work and other normal activities as you please. However, patients are advised to avoid makeup application, excessive sun exposure, and strenuous exercise for the first few days while the skin is healing.

What Results Can I Expect from Morpheus8?

You’ll begin noticing results from your Morpheus8 treatment in the days following your appointment, but most of your results will develop gradually over time as new collagen is created and implemented into the skin. We typically recommend a series of 2-3 treatments for optimal results. With this treatment schedule, patients can expect to see their full results within 4-6 months of their final treatment session. These results will be long-lasting, but keep in mind that Morpheus8 will not stop the aging process, so changes will continue to occur in the skin over time.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation for Morpheus8 and get started with treatment. Suite Six Medical Aesthetics offers this and other skin resurfacing solutions to help patients combat signs of aging, skin imperfections and other cosmetic concerns. We proudly serve the residents of Newburyport, Salem, Boston and the surrounding areas of Massachusetts.

Schedule A Consultation With Suite Six Medical Aesthetics