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Laser hair removal is a simple procedure that can be a total life-changer. Not only can laser hair removal get you ready for swimsuit season, but it can also help you save money on personal grooming and help reduce your carbon footprint. Not convinced? Let’s go over three reasons why getting your laser hair removal done now will benefit you later.

1. Winter Sessions Make for the Perfect Summer Bod

First and foremost, getting your laser hair removal sessions done during the winter can help you get hair-free and worry-free for the summer months to come. After your laser hair removal treatments, your skin is going to be red and sensitive to the touch. It’s important to keep the skin in your treated areas protected from any excessive exposure to the sun. An overcast sky and some chilly weather is the perfect excuse to stay inside post-treatment and cuddle up with your favorite blanket while you heal. Laser hair removal also takes a number of sessions to be completely effective. Starting your treatments in the winter will ensure that all of your hair will be permanently removed from the treated area once summer rolls around the corner. Don’t rush to get your treatments done all at once! Start now and take your time.

2. Laser Hair Removal is More Cost Effective in the Long Run

This one doesn’t need much explaining. While laser hair removal seems like a costly treatment upfront, the money you’ll be saving in the long run outweighs the money you’ll be paying for the treatment. When your laser hair removal treatment is all said and done, you won’t have to pay for shaving creams, expensive razors, bleaching solutions, hair removal products or waxing treatments ever again. These seemingly medial expenses add up to hundreds in just a few short months. Getting your laser hair removal treatment may be a big chunk now but will pay for itself over time.

3. Laser Hair Removal Helps Out the Environment, Too!

This one may seem like a bit of a stretch, but hear us out. Once you’re done with your razors, cans of shaving cream, waxing strips, bleaching solutions, or whatever else you may use, what do you do with them? You throw them away and don’t think about them anymore. In 2018, the EPA estimated we throw away nearly 2 billion razors each year – that’s nearly 1 million pounds of plastic waste. Laser hair removal eliminates the need for disposable razors and other packaged products that sit in our landfills for years. This solution to your pesky hair situation not only helps you aesthetically, but it also helps your environment.

Laser hair removal has more benefits than one might think. If you are interested in learning more about how you can benefit from the wonders of laser hair removal, call us today to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Ballenas. He’ll sit down with you, and develop a personalized treatment plan for you to help you achieve all your aesthetic goals.

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