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How Does IV Vitamin Therapy Work?

IV stands for intravenous, or inside the veins. For most people, we might associate IV treatments with a trip to the hospital or a health clinic. Frequently IV treatments are used to help patients get fluids or other nutrients in their bodies. One reason IV treatments are done in a hospital setting is that it is a quicker and more effective way to get nutrients into the body than to wait for the process of digestion. In the last few years, IV Vitamin Therapy has become extremely popular outside of a hospital setting. IV Bars or health clinics have sprout up and many people from office employees to celebrities swear by them. In this article, we will talk about how IV Vitamin Therapy works, who it is right for, and the benefits of these treatments. If you live or work in Boston and are looking to set up an IV Vitamin Therapy appointment, please contact us. 

Suite Six Medical Aesthetics

What Is IV Vitamin Therapy

IV Vitamin Therapy works by administrating a high dose of vitamins or minerals directly into someone’s bloodstream. Different vitamins and minerals can have different effects, so you will often have a choice between which IV Vitamin Therapy you receive. These are the same vitamins and minerals you can get from food or supplements, but a key benefit of IV Vitamin Therapy is that the minerals and vitamins are going straight into the bloodstream instead of through the process of digestion. IV Vitamin Therapy has been recommended for a variety of different physical and mental conditions including chronic fatigue, asthma, migraines, depression/anxiety, dehydration, and hangovers. Basically, any ailment or symptom that has been associated with deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can be treated with IV Vitamin Therapy. 

What Is The Myers' Cocktail?

The Myer’s Cocktail is one of the most popular IV Vitamin mixtures. It was first created in 1970 by John Myers and includes magnesium, calcium, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin B5, vitamin B complex and vitamin C. Each of these vitamins and minerals serves unique purposes in the overall therapy. This group of vitamins and minerals have been studied in their relationship to helping with acute asthma attacks, migraines, chronic fatigue, respiratory tract infections, seasonal allergies, and other illnesses. These vitamins and minerals are often studied in their ability to help the body fight infections as well as promote healthy energy levels. 

What Are The Benefits Of IV Therapy

The benefits of IV therapy is that they can help hydrate your body and provide supplement vitamins and minerals quickly and effectively. Overall, patients who have received IV Therapy often report that it helps them feel more alert, in better spirits, and helps decrease various symptoms like migraines, tiredness, symptoms of hangovers, etc. 

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