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As the New Year rolls around, many of you may be contemplating a change in your life whether it be diet, exercise or lifestyle. But have you stopped to think about changing your skincare? It is time to build your confidence and be happy with the way that you look.

2016 is the year to correct the brown spots you hate, those lingering acne scars, or even that wrinkle you cannot seem to smooth. The perfect way to start a fresh New Year off is with a fresh new skin care regimen.

You know that old saying “out with the old, in with the new”? Well that goes for skin care also!

Do you have a shelf full of old skin care products that have been sitting way past their expiration dates, waiting for that special occasion to be used? Truth is, most open products have about a year shelf life. After that year, ingredients lose their potency. Not to mention, emulsions start to separate and can become occlusive to the skin causing break outs and clogging. Overall, these products are doing more harm then good if you’ve been keeping them hostage for too long.

Think of all the technology advances. If you are not updating your skincare every now and then you are completely missing out on all those skincare breakthroughs that can dramatically enhance your skin. This is your chance to look younger, my friend!!

If you are remaining loyal to a brand that is just not giving you the results you want and are worried about being mislead by the latest fad and wasting your money on products that don’t work, you are not alone. But…don’t forget you have to be in the game to win the game!

Truth is, with the right prescribed home care and treatments you will reach your goals if you remain disciplined, just like your diet. Our advice is to see your Esthetician so you can better understand your skin and put a plan in place to achieve the results you seek. Here at Suite Six we send you home with prescription sheets after each facial describing products and treatments we recommend. We love our clients and our clients love the results. Let us fulfill your New Year’s resolution of Perfect Skin today!

Schedule A Consultation With Suite Six Medical Aesthetics